Syllabus For The Exam

  1. Oral cavity – anatomical and physiological specificities. Common pathological processes affecting the epithelium and connective tissue during oral cavity diseases.
  2. Classification of oral mucosa lesions.
  3. Methods for examination in oral cavity diseases. Anamnesis and clinical examination.
  4. Methods for examination in oral cavity diseases. Paraclinical examination – interpretation. Supravital staining of oral mucosa.
  5. Quantitative and qualitative saliva examination (рН, buffer capacity, microbial contamination). Clinical importance. Diagnosing eating disorders.
  6. Pathological changes in oral cavity as a result of external noxa (traumatic, chemical, thermal, radiation and electricity).
  7. Pathological changes in oral cavity as a result of addictions (tabacism, drug abuse, alcoholism).
  8. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptomatic of changes in oral cavity in mycotic infections. Oral candidiasis – acute forms. Diagnostic and treatment.
  9. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptomatic of changes in oral cavity in mycotic infections. Oral candidiasis – chronic forms. Diagnostic and treatment.
  10. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms of changes in oral cavity in infectious diseases. Viral infectious diseases with oral manifestations. Gingivostomatitis herpeticа, Herpes simplex, Herpangina and Hand, foot and mouth disease.
  11. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms of changes in oral cavity in infectious diseases. Viral infectious diseases with oral manifestations. Varicella and Herpes Zoster, Infectious moninucleosis, influenza, measles.
  12. Etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms of changes in oral cavity in infectious diseases. Bacterial infectious diseases with oral manifestations. Scarlatina, actinomycosis, syphilis and tuberculosis.
  13. Ulcerative diseases of oral mucosa – etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of oral mucosa aphthous ulcers. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment considerations.
  14. Ulcerative diseases of oral mucosa – etiology and pathogenesis. Classification of oral mucosa ulcers. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment considerations.
  15. Dermatostomatitis. Vesiculobullous diseases affecting oral cavity. Diagnostic and treatment modalities.
  16. Precancerous lesions – obligate and facultative. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and dentist’s responsibilities.
  17. Pigmented lesions of oral mucosa. Classification. Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and dentist’s responsibilities.
  18. Oral manifestations of endocrine disorders. Dentist’s responsibilities.
  19. Diabetes and oral health. Dentist’s responsibilities.
  20. Pregnancy and oral health. Dentist’s responsibilities.
  21. Oral manifestations of renal and urinary tract disorders. Transplanted patients. Dentist’s responsibilities.
  22. Oral manifestations of HIV and AIDS. Diagnostic and treatment considerations.
  23. Oral pathology in oncological patients. Effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Preventive and treatment strategies.
  24. Oral symptoms in eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia and bigorexia). Preventive and treatment strategies.
  25. Lips disorders (congenital, inherited, acquired and disorders with unknown etiology). Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment considerations.
  26. Tongue disorders (congenital, inherited, acquired and disorders with unknown etiology). Diagnosis, differential diagnosis and treatment considerations.
  27. Oro-facial syndromes and rare diagnosed diseases with oral manifestations. Steven – Johnson and Behçet syndromes.
  28. Oro-facial syndromes and rare diagnosed diseases with oral manifestations. Mikulicz and Sjogren syndromas.
  29. Oro-facial syndromes and rare diagnosed diseases with oral manifestations. Melkersson – Rosenthal and Reiter syndromes.
  30. Oro-facial syndromes and rare diagnosed diseases with oral manifestations. Down, Paplillon – Lefevre and Lazy leucocyte syndromes.